
The finnish woods

When we first started on our journey, Geir said that we would take the opportunity to sleep in camping sites, hostels and similar accommodation through Sweden, because once we got to Finland towns would be few and far between, and we would most likely have to sleep in the woods every night.

So this is where we're sleeping tonight. There is a sauna in our bathroom, and yes, that is a piece of candy on the pillow.

First impression of Finland vs. Sweden:

Sweden is a run-down hillbilly country with lots of wrecked volvos, closed shops and loppis.

Finland is newly refurbished, sleek, flat and with tame reindeer.

I'm not sure if Geir treated us to this because of my knee, or because he's sick of mosquitoes. He really hates those things.

And for the record, finnish mosquitoes are larger and meaner than swedish mosquitoes. Also, they have red eyes and eat baby dolphins.

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